Slab Condition and Drainage Assessment of the Wooldumpers Shed Site, Coode Road, West Melbourne

Project Slab Condition and Drainage Assessment of the Wooldumpers Shed Site, Coode Road, West Melbourne
Client Port of Melbourne Corporation
Project Value $50M – $100M
Project Overview Port of Melbourne engaged JJR to provide short to medium term drainage options to mitigate inundation of the Wooldumpers Shed site, including suitability of the building slab.
JJR Involvement JJR’s expert team reviewed the existing slab condition assessment report, the slab survey, contours and colour band surface, and provided the client with a high-level memorandum, which included an analysis of suitable options to mitigate the potential post-demolition drainage issues and a preferred methodology to best rectify the slab drainage for site safety and slab integrity.