Project | Crane Height PANS-OPS Penetration at 1 Champ Street Coburg |
Client | Construction Engineering |
Project Value | $1M – $10M |
Project Overview | Construction Engineering is transforming the historical Pentridge Prison site in Coburg, Victoria into a shopping centre, hotel and apartments.
Construction Engineering required assistance with a risk assessment of potential penetration of the Procedures for Air Navigation Services – Aircraft Operations (PANS-OPS) associated with Essendon Airport’s safeguarded airspace. |
JJR Involvement | JJR reviewed the existing documentation including the crane height and relevant Obstacle Limitation Surface (OLS) and PANS-OPS surfaces to assess options available for tower cranes to construct buildings within the eastern approaches’ flight path.
JJR provided support to Construction Engineering by liaising with Essendon Fields (airport operator), the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) and Airservices Australia (AsA) and assessing various options available to construct towers that approached a critical PANS-OPS surface. |