Client | Manningham City Council |
Project Value | <$1M |
Project Overview | Council has been working closely with other eastern metropolitan councils, Football Federation Victoria (the peak body for Victorian soccer) and other relevant soccer leagues to address this issue. The result of this collaboration is the Eastern Region Soccer Strategy 2007 which is a comprehensive and strategic assessment for a consistent approach in the planning and provision of soccer at a local and regional level. This strategy specifically advises that Manningham requires additional pitches and high standard facilities to support a competitive pathway for both males and females.
This development is endorsed in Council’s Open Space Strategy 2004, which highlights the value of Pettys Reserve for intensive future sporting development. Pettys Reserve has the capacity to meet all these requirements with its main attributes being its large size and main road access. The proposed facility will not be club-based but will be a training venue and provide a venue for overflow competition games and school use. Council’s Recreation Strategy 2010 endorsed the staged implementation of works as follows:
JJR Involvement | The design scope of works includes the following: