Project | Sycamore Reserve Lighting Design Amendments |
Client | Whittlesea Council |
Project Value | $1M – $10 M |
Project Overview | JJ Ryan Consulting was commissioned by Whittlesea City Council to undertake a lighting assessment of existing compliance with Australian Standards, followed by a feasibility study to assess upgrade options for sports field lighting at Sycamore Reserve. |
JJR Involvement | JJR conducted a site investigation and determined the existing lux lighting levels across the site to confirm the lux levels provided by two poles lighting the northern fields of the site.
In order to complete these investigations JJR:
The site is an ex-landfill site and JJR therefore undertook geotechnical investigations to determine constraints on any options analysis for future upgrades. Lighting, electrical and structural concept designs were then developed to determine options to comply with varying standards for the field of play. |