Construction Phase Services for the Mona Vale Road East Upgrade

Project Construction Phase Services for the Mona Vale Road East Upgrade
Client Georgiou
Project Value > $100M
Project Overview The project included building additional lanes for climbing and descending to improve travel times, as well as wider shoulders, median separation, and a heavy vehicle arrester bed to enhance safety. The project generated the following specific road upgrades:

  • Mona Vale Road between Manor Road and Foley Street widened from two lanes to four lanes with a central concrete safety barrier;
  • Mona Vale Road between Manor Road and Foley Street provided with 3m wide shoulders to allow a safer area for breakdowns and on-road cyclists; and
  • Roundabout at the intersection of Ponderosa Parade and Samuel Street was replaced with new traffic lights and signalised pedestrian crossings.
JJR Involvement The scope of work for JJR included:

  • Temporary Traffic Management (TTM) design;
  • Road design for the specific parts requested by the client;
  • Traffic staging; and
  • Drafting works.