Northern Beaches Bus Line (B-Line), Spit Road Tidal Flow Extension


Client Fulton Hogan Construction
Project Value <$1M
Project Overview There is an existing TFS along Spit Road consists of two overhead gantry structures and lane usage signs (LUS) which stipulate allowable lane use between Awaba Street and Ourimbah Road. Median separation is provided via candy poles to opposing directions of traffic. A movable median and In-Pavement Lights (IPLs) are located at the southern transition.

Due to the increasing volume of vehicles within the local road network and the implementation of the new NBBP, there is a need to improve the capacity of the existing road network by extending the use of tidal flow technologies to increase peak-period capacity for inbound traffic without requiring major infrastructure upgrades.

JJR Involvement JJR undertook a detailed options assessment for the Tidal Flow System (TFS) extension along Spit Rd from Ourimbah Road to Medusa Street on behalf of Transport for NSW (TfNSW).

Detailed assessment criteria were developed to comparatively weight the shortlisted options which included:

  • System safety (operator safety, road user safety and pedestrian safety);
  • Whole of life costs (capital costs, NPV);
  • Operational reliability (redundancies, fault/failure response and emergency management);
  • Program schedule (design and construction phases); and
  • System integration (tidal flow switch interruptions, integration with existing systems, impacts to lane capacity and flexibility for future conditions).