Construction Traffic Staging Design for Sydney Airport North Precinct

Project Construction Traffic Staging Design for Sydney Airport North Precinct
Client John Holland Group
Project Value >  $100M
Project Overview Roads and Maritime Services has planned to reconfigure Robey Street and O’Riordan Street to accommodate upgrades to the Sydney Airport internal road network and help improve traffic flow around the airport.

The key features of the Airport North Precinct proposal include the following items:

  • Converting the southern sections of Robey Street and O’Riordan Street into one-way roads;
  • Widening O’Riordan Street to provide six through lanes between Bourke Road and Robey Street;
  • Reconfiguring the existing traffic lights on O’Riordan Street between Qantas Drive and Bourke Road; and
  • Upgrading the footpath on the eastern side of O’Riordan Street.
JJR Involvement JJR’s scope of work involved preparing a detailed design of Traffic Staging Plans, including temporary new roadways and detours, or adjustments to existing lane configurations and road geometry in accordance with the relevant design standards. The purpose of the designs was to show how traffic will pass safely through the Site during the various construction stages. The scope of works includes but is not limited to the following:

  • 70% Design Traffic Staging Drawing Packages for John Holland Review; and
  • IFC Detailed Design Traffic Staging Drawings for issue with Traffic Management Plan for Trafiic Management Centre and RMS approval.