Preliminary Airport Asset Management and Project Plan

Project Development of a Preliminary Asset Management and Project Plan for Merimbula Airport
Client The Ambidji Group / Bega Valley Shire Council
Project Value <$1M
Project Overview As an aerodrome owner and operator, Council tendered the management of the airport operations and maintenance of all tangible and physical assets within the airport precinct to suitably qualified organisations.

Ambidji required a concept asset management strategy to be developed, including collection and analysis of asset records for submission as part of their tender.

JJR Involvement A preliminary plan was developed to:

  • Undertake an initial asset condition survey
  • Undertake the development and implementation of an Asset Management Plan
  • Undertake a review and update of the airport master plan and integrate the with the Asset Management Plan
  • Advise and assist the Airport Manager on all asset management issues, including day to day airport engineering
  • Identify a capital works program for projects identified in the airport master plan.