Project | RPEQ and Traffic Management Design (TMD) Certification of Portabooms at Midtown Centre in the Brisbane CBD |
Client | Crompton Concepts |
Project Value | > $100M |
Project Overview | Hutchison Builders partnered with AsheMorgan and DMANN Corporation and their design team in mid-2017 through a collaborative early contractor involvement (ECI) process on the exciting new Midtown Centre development. |
JJR Involvement | JJR were engaged by Crompton Concepts to assess and issue certification for the proposed implementation of several “traffic management innovations” – i.e. portabooms as Portable Traffic Control Devices (PTCDs) at the Midtown Centre Development in Brisbane’s Central Business District (CBD).
JJR’s RPEQ and Traffic Management Design (TMD) engineers undertook an assessment of the portabooms against the client’s specified requirements for the following TMPs:
A Technical Memorandum was prepared, which included assessment of the portabooms against relevant requirements of Queensland Transport and Main Roads (TMR) Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), as well as a risk assessment of inherent and residual risks. The Technical Memorandum and Certification was submitted to the client. |