Structural Inspection and Report – Croydon South

Project Structural Inspection and Report – Croydon South
Client Private Client
Project Value < $100K
Project Overview Structural inspections can provide to clients a deep perspective of their asset conditions and that is what JJR was requested from a private client.

The structure was originally constructed in 1971 and had changes in 1992. With the original floor plan, our team built a full report of the floor, walls, and external influences in the property.

JJR Involvement In the Scope, JJR has conducted the following works:

  • Review current information including photos and drawings;
  • Conduct a site inspection focusing of damaged parts of the building including wall cracks and jammed doors, windows and other damaged components as well as necessary site measurement including crack information, tree locations and situation etc; and
  • Prepare structural report describing:
    • Location and level of damages for each crack.
    • Cause of crack damages.
    • Recommend remedial and repair options for each damage.
    • Recommendations and maintenance regime to reduce damage.
    • Recommendation to keep or removal of trees.