Overseas Passenger Terminal Precinct


Project Ground Transport Master Plan for the Overseas Passenger Terminal Precinct
Client Port Authority of New South Wales
Project Value <$1M
Project Overview The current cruise industry growth has resulted in greater passenger volumes utilising the Overseas Passenger Terminal in Sydney Harbour. The need for a greater capacity of passengers, traffic and vessels required strategic analysis to assess the current operations at the terminal, and to develop future recommendations for development.
JJR Involvement The analysis of the terminal included the following:

  • Review of the current traffic management plan for the Terminal;
  • Review of the current strategies for the future development of the OPT and relevant surrounding areas;
  • Defining the level of modelling that PA would like undertaken to achieve the objectives (i.e. assist with stakeholder engagement and decision making);
  • Review existing studies and other available information to identify gaps in data / documentation;
  • Assess the different types of traffic currently operating at the OPT and forecast future traffic requirements;
  • Identify the current operating capacity, including pinch-points and whether there are inefficiencies in the current traffic system; and
  • Develop options to optimise the system for PA’s consideration, including both short (0 to 5 year) and longer-term (5+ year) strategies to manage traffic demand.